Saturday, January 21, 2012

Swedes go green in India
... The Swedish embassy unveiled a ... solar panel system which will generate approximately 10 percent of its total energy consumption.
The 288 panels presently generates 17.487 KW of power with a total capacity of 75KW per hour on a clear day.  The panel has generated 2998 KW since it started a month ago. The system has, so far, avoided 1499 kg of CO2 emissions.

Per-Erik Ekman, who manages the Embassy property, said that the only labor required was to clean the panels once a week. The panel cost about $420,000 and the embassy will save approximately $14,000 on its annual electric bill.
The Swedish embassy in India plans to generate one-third of its power needs from renewable energy sources in 2012. The Swedes have set a worldwide target of a 26 percent reduction of total energy consumption in Swedish properties around the globe.

... Officials here say that water harvesting today amounts to 5,000 cubic meters annually, which prevents depletion of groundwater level in the area. The target is to reach a positive water-balance (consume less than what is collected and recharged) by 2013.

By Betwa Sharma
Smarter Planet
January 12, 2012

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