Monday, July 3, 2017

How New York City expects to save 75 MW this summer through demand response | Utility Dive

New York City has been developing its demand response program for years — just last summer it achieved 58 MW of reduced municipal load, bringing in about $10 million in revenue.
Since it brought NuEnergen onboard to manage its demand response program 2013, the city government has provided up to 75 MW of grid relief annually, expanded citywide participation to over 380 facilities across 22 agencies, and earned revenue of more than $22 million.
Committed capacity has risen from less than 10 MW in the summer of 2013 to about 75 MW expected this summer.

And the city has been working to give agencies and buildings more tools, deploying real-time monitoring equipment that can examine demand broadly, or break it down into agency- or building-specific data. Between 60% and 70% of the city's load has real-time monitoring capabilities.
One of the selling points of the program ... is that revenues are distributed to the agency's which earn them. They are then used to fund a variety of initiatives, including efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

by Robert Walton
Utility Dive
June 28, 2017

The Energy Management team has also partnered with NuEnergen to develop a web-based portal called ENERTRAC. This portal is a source of all Demand Response program-related metrics, real-time electric load monitoring data feeds and historical interval data. Through ENERTRAC, participating agencies can monitor the energy usage of each enrolled building and, via this data, reduce energy use as needed.

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