Thursday, December 8, 2011

Army explores alternative energy with hydrogen fuel cells
The U.S. Army is investing in highly efficient energy sources to reduce its fossil fuel usage, officials said Nov. 16 as APG unveiled hydrogen fuel cells.
APG's fuel cells are electro-chemical devices that use hydrogen as a fuel to produce backup electricity without having to combust the fuel. Twenty-four buildings across nine federal government sites will receive fuel cells within six months.

Rick Farmer, deputy program manager with DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, said projects such as hydrogen fuel cells help to improve America's environment and economy.
"Over the last year, we have seen about 50 percent growth in the megawatts of fuel cell power shipped in the United States," Farmer said. "DOE-funded projects have reduced the projected high-volume cost of fuel cells to $49 per kilowatt, an 80 percent reduction since 2002 and over 30 percent in the last two years.

"Together with our partners, DOE has co-funded about 600 fuel-cell lift trucks. Based on the results of these demonstrations, industry has placed orders for about five times that amount with no DOE funding."

By Mr. Dan Lafontaine (RDECOM)
November 17, 2011

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