Sunday, June 3, 2012

St. Johns University Receives High Performance Energy Efficiency Award from NYSERDA - Funding Helps Reduce Energy Costs by Nearly a Quarter Million Dollars
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has awarded St. John’s University a High Performance Building Plaque for designing and constructing its new student/university center with features that cut energy costs by nearly $245,000 annually.

The University’s D’Angelo Center, which opened on the Queens, NY, campus in 2009, received more than $480,000 in support from NYSERDA which leveraged nearly $1.5 million in private investment. The facility’s many “green” features include advanced lighting systems, demand-control ventilation, district cooling and high-efficiency displacement heating ventilation and air-conditioning. These energy efficiency measures enhance comfort and efficiency by minimizing energy consumption and demand on the grid.

NYSERDA awards High Performance Building Plaques to hospitals, colleges and universities, schools, businesses and other organizations that construct or substantially renovate buildings that perform at least 30 percent above the state’s Energy Conservation Construction Code. The D’Angelo Center is rated to perform 43 percent above code.

The five-story, 127,000-square-foot D’Angelo Center is a hub of campus activity. The building includes high-tech classrooms, student meeting and social spaces, multipurpose rooms, a cafeteria and a boardroom.
The challenge to design for energy efficiency was met with smart engineering by AKF Group LLC. Their work will help the university to cut its annual energy consumption by an estimated 1,092,274 kilowatt hours, equal to the amount of electricity consumed by 159 single-family homes in one year.
NYSERDA’s New Construction Program assists organizations with incorporating energy efficiency measures and sustainable building practices into the design, construction and operation of new or renovated buildings. Green building incentives also are available to customers pursuing LEED certification. These measures are designed to save energy through reduced electricity demand and operating costs.

For existing facilities, NYSERDA incentives can be used for lighting retrofits, upgrades to motors systems, energy management systems, heating and cooling systems and other operations. Assistance also is available for energy audits to help identify cost-effective opportunities to increase energy efficiency, develop greenhouse gas emission inventories and more.

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) 
Press Release dated April 30, 2012

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